Feb 12, 2012

The sweetest.

Except that this week he's decided to communicate via the loudest screeches you've ever heard out of such a tiny human being. But seriously - how could I ever be mad?


noelle said...

perfect baby. i love him so.

audrey said...

i agree with noey. i mean just look at him. such a doll.

Corinne said...

So cute. And I've come to the conclusion that kids are just LOUD. No matter their emotions at the moment.

erin said...

that is the sweetest face. i think 18 month olds are mad at their feeble bodies. they can't communicate very well yet, they wanna go where they wanna go whenever they wanna do it but can't because it's too dangerous, their mouths are throbbing with shards of bone ripping through their soft gums, and they throw conniption fits for reasons they don't remember and can't physically calm down until they make themselves vomit. bless their sweet, misunderstood hearts. smiles like that make it okay.

Elizabeth said...

There are games you can play with loud noises. He is too cute!

Jan said...

Erin hit it right square on.....These precious little ones are discovering all about themselves at this age, and it's a noisy, wild ride at times. He is absolutely perfect, and perfectly exhausting at the same time. xoxoxto you both!