Mar 19, 2012


Four minutes away from our house. Bluebonnets! We took a mini family adventure to the park yesterday post-naps (for all of us) & I threw my long lens on my camera just in case (it has been collecting dust, but oh how I love it). So happy I did, because the flowers! Nevermind the fact that I'm makeupless with air-dried hair, & basically wearing pajamas. Quinn*! I love him.

*He went to the rodeo last weekend & now he has his first bluebonnet photos. He's slowly but surely becoming a Texan. 


Jill said...

This is by your house?! These pictures are lovely. Want to know what is around the corner from our house? An empty canal. Pretty! :)

Kylie Whiting said...

quinn's belly in that first photo is amazing. and i dig the results of your long lens. i need one!

Whitney said...

Such pretty photos! And you should be in sweats... it's perfect (post church) sunday attire.

Elizabeth said...

Wow so so so Pretty

Lizzie said...

My mom grew up in Texas and always talked about how lovely & special the bluebonnets of Texas were. These pictures are darling!

Julie said...

I love this stage. He look so grown up and boyish but still has a little belly and ankle rolls around his socks. Still a little guy, with a killer smile!

Corinne said...

Gorgeous. And yes, he's looking so grown up.

Jill said...

Beautiful, beautiful. I'm loving the lighting/focus. Just yesterday I was going through the maternity photos you took for us, and loving them all again, I love you lots and lots.

Lindsey said...

i feel like i'm always commenting that i love your pics... but i reallllllly love these ones! how in the world do you choose what you frame?!

Missy said...

I have always heard (seen from a friend in Dallas) about bluebonnets, but these photos take it to a whole new level. So pretty.

erin said...

rite of passage. we totally missed them this year, unless you count blackberry photos. hope one of these ends up on your wall.