Mar 12, 2012

Hi! We're sleepy.

I tried rousing Q up from his epic nap today, figuring that 5:30pm was a reasonable time to wake up & eat some dinner (before hopefully going to sleep around his usual 7pm). I opened his curtains, turned off his noise machine, snapped some photos & sang him a few songs before he finally stirred almost twenty minutes later. This boy was tired after traveling back from Colorado yesterday - but it was well worth it! We had a happy week in the mountains with Patrick & Kera + their girls (with a Friday visit from Mike's brother Dan), & now it's time to play catch up! This morning that meant lots of unpacking & setting back into our home. Tomorrow, hopefully lots of photos.

(We made a later-than-usual run to Target this evening, had a late dinner, & Q finally went to sleep around 9. It may take us a few days to get back on track...)


Jill said...

I want to crawl into that crib with him and take a nap. He is so preshy.

Heidi said...

I love when they are just so out. Cute boy

Jan said...

Dang - I wish we could all nap that well. For as long as we'd worries.