Apr 23, 2012


Easter! We did in fact observe this year, & had a weekend full of eggs & bunnies (neither of which Q cared all that much about, it turns out). Our first party was Saturday morning at VillaSport. A million kids running around + close proximity to the child watch (cue: Mama & Dad are leaving me at the gym!!) meant that Q screamed & cried his biggest + angriest alligator tears until we finally gave up & left. We tried! And failed. 


Gripping on for dear life & totally unwilling to let go.

Next up: Our neighborhood Easter party, complete with a crawfish boil, of course. Basically, it looks like boiling & eating cockroaches. Mike ate them, of course, & shared them with our only child. I about died (& am not convinced that I'll ever feel like a southerner myself). Q, sweetly trusting his father to always do what is best for him, almost ate one whole when offered. Luckily Mike just wanted the photo, but after he'd picked it apart (so gross), Q ate up all of the meat (?) & quickly asked for more. 

So gross, so gross, so gross. 

(Oh my gosh, I live in the south.)

Sunday morning we went to church. I set up the tripod so that we could get a family photo in our Sunday best before we headed out - except that my first Sunday best made me look like the Jolly Green Easter Giant, & my second Sunday best made look either chubby or pregnant, but not decisively either one (love this stage of pregnancy). I just eventually gave up, since we were already late & Mike is generally not tolerant of more than one wardrobe change. 

We finished off our Easter weekend with 30+ people at our house Sunday afternoon. A few weeks before I'd decided that it would be a good idea to host a potluck. I like potlucks! Lots of great food that you don't have to prepare alone. Plus, we don't have any family in Texas, nor do most of our friends. So, we congregated, shared a wide variety of really delicious Easter-ish food, & even had a nice little Easter Egg Hunt in the backyard for all of the littles. Q caught on a bit more this time, but was still perfectly content with just one or two eggs to shake around. Maybe the vicious competitiveness will set in next year & he'll really go for it, but this year he was a fairly passive participant.

It was really nice to be surrounded by people that we genuinely like & are happy to be getting to know in Texas. I'm especially appreciative that they know how to cook yummy food! And that they have nice kids that Q can play with, too.

Happy Easter (2 weeks ago!). 


erin said...

i'm coveting that green dress. and i remember that floral one from last time around. you just needed girl validation--they're both seriously lovely.

that crowd in your yard muy impressive. good thing you bought that wagon.

Jill said...

the green dress is beautiful on you! give it another go.

good call on the pot-luck. simple and effective. I really love pictures of eggs scattered in the grass, so fun.

Natalie said...

It truly was a raging success- thanks again for inviting chaos to your home! I love those family pictures of you guys on Easter- what a cute family!!

Lindsey said...

i'm so impressed you had 30+ people over! look at you, already miss popular and you just moved in! p.s. you look beautiful in both pics - love the dresses.