Apr 16, 2012


Quinn has been sick for the past week, which meant that I started my day off with a screaming little boy. I'd be screaming too if I woke up covered in green boogies. So sad. I called mom-expert Suzi & asked her what I should do, then called the pediatrician as soon as they opened at 8am & made an appointment for later in the afternoon. In the meantime, I gave him bananas & toast with jam for breakfast - most of which he threw on the floor. I followed this up with half of my Cheerios (honey nut), because these are a sure thing with him these days.

We read stories on the couch, pulled out his blocks, sang silly songs & sprinted around the living room to get a smile back on his face.

My dad called at 8:30am, just like he does most mornings on his way to work. I love this.

We ran to the dry cleaners around 9am, because Mike had suits & shirts that had to be dropped off before 10am so that they could be back tomorrow - just in time for him to get home from a few days of traveling & head out again.


We stopped by the gas station to fill up my front right tire with some air. It's leaky, & I need to get that checked, but the last time I was at the tire shop I was there for almost 3 hours. With a toddler. I'm putting our next visit off for as long as I can, & in the meantime I'm just proud of myself for being able to use a tire pressure gauge all by myself (city girl).

I swung by the new Trader Joe's to see if I could find any clues on their opening date. I cannot even explain how incredibly happy it will make me to have this store back in my life. So happy! And perfect timing for a new baby, too - because I know I won't be cooking anything from September - December, & their frozen + prepared foods make me so happy. They already have the familiar red grocery carts inside, the chalkboard displays are up, & there were a dozen+ people working away inside of the massive store. Progress! Even better, there's a giant parking lot in front! For cars! I won't have to buy only as much as I can carry with my own two arms, or break into a sweat lugging it all onto the curb & into a cab.


We got home in time to meet my kind housecleaners who arrived at 10:30 (they come twice a month, & it saves my sanity). Q is in love with Eva & her crew - & probably now understands as much Spanish as he does English.

¿Dónde está tu mamá?

And he points to me. It's great.

A few minutes later, a really nice Puerto Rican man showed up to tune & clean our new piano. He loves New York, & we had fun chatting about it. I don't meet many Puerto Ricans in Texas, & I always have fun when I meet another. It makes me feel at home.

My house was full of Spanish, vacuums & the piano for the next several hours.

Meanwhile, Q followed Eva around wherever she went, because that's what he does when she's here (he's obsessed with her - she's so sweet). A mini-break for me meant that I pulled the sheets off of my bed, the rugs & towels from our bathroom, & got started on the laundry (my Monday morning ritual). I organized the kitchen drawers that were driving me crazy, picked up Q's toys from the living room floor, ordered a new baby gift for a friend (that I had originally found in New York last week - the bag was left at our gate in Newark - along with a box of Ladurée macaroons!), took advantage of Amazon Prime & ordered a few sippy cups (since they keep flying away lately), made an appointment for my 10,000 mile maintenance appointment for my car (have we lived here that long?!), tried to fix my iPhone (which isn't getting email - annoying), wiped Q's nose for the 100th time & ordered a new pair of shoes for him. His feet have suddenly started growing like little weeds.

I talked to my mom a few times today, per usual. I'm not sure when, or about what, but that's our happy normal.

I talked to my sister Elizabeth a few times, too. Mike was in Salt Lake City today for a client meeting & zipped down to Provo to meet my two newest nieces - Sloane & Grace. I'm jealous.

Anyway. Q was hungry, & needing an early nap so I made him a quick lunch - sliced grapes (which he'll suck on, but never actually swallow), & a quesadilla with grilled chicken & cheese. I knew he was finished when he emptied half of the contents of his tray onto the floor, so I scooped him up & we raced up the stairs for pre-nap stories. He's getting really fast on his hands & knees.

We curled up in his big chair in his room with our books. He really loves When the World is Ready For Bed, The Napping House & any Sandra Boynton book (especially Moo, Baa, La, La, La - if you ask me What do the sheep say? he responds with La! La! La! We'll straighten him out at some point). I think we read four stories, two of them twice. So. Six stories, a song, & he was immediately asleep.

I raced downstairs, anxious to take advantage of my productive time of the day (when I should always be sleeping myself, really). I spent a solid half-hour organizing my closet (& pulling out some maternity things, eek!), folding & putting away laundry, cleaning up from lunch, re-scheduling Q's doctor's appointment since there was no way my piano tuner would be done in time to make the original, went through some emails, & watered my front porch plants which I'm already killing. Again. For the FOURTH time.

I checked on my friend Missy who finished the Boston Marathon today - in blazing heat & humidity - in approximately 15 minutes. Amazing.

Quinn woke up for his nap about two minutes before we had to leave for his doctor's appointment. We got in the car & he poo'd as soon as I'd strapped him in. Perfect! I changed him in the car, took him to his appointment (double ear infection! this explains so very much), went to the gas station to fill up (since I was approximately 4 miles away from being stranded by the side of the road, oops!), drove to the grocery store to pick up his prescription & did some grocery shopping while I was at it. I bought salt & vinegar chips (an entire bag!!) because they've been so good to me this pregnancy. I was smiling by the time I left the store. Q was happy, everyone was telling me how happy he was (double ear infection!!), & about a thousand people helped me while I was there - helping Q get strapped into the cart (while I refused to get off of my phone with friend Jill), helping me find things, helping me unload my cart onto the belt, & a nice Walmart-greeter-esque man standing at the door telling everyone to Have a great day!

I really love Texas some days.

We got home just in time for dinner. I fed Quinn his tamale (you know he loves Mexican food) & beans for dinner, while I ate a California Roll (which absolutely does not count as real sushi, despite the fact that it was made at the sushi bar in our grocery store by people who speak Japanese) while doing a speed-session catch up with friend Amy on the phone. Quinn finished his dinner, & then immediately faceplanted on the kitchen floor while running full speed.

I scooped him up in my arms, blotted away the blood & confirmed that his lip wasn't entirely split open & in need of stitches. But his front tooth - chipped. I took a photo, texted it to my dad, called him, & confirmed that it wasn't that bad & that everything would be okay. And that he only looked kind of homeless. The perfectionist tendencies in me still want to scream, because hey, his new tooth will show up in about 6 years. 


It drizzled on & off most of the day.

Q was in the bath by 6:30, with jammies, stories & prayers done by 7. I talked to almost-sister-in-law Kylie on the phone about bridesmaid dresses (help! 5+ months pregnant in the perfect shade of mustary-yellow is tricky!), opened a package that had come in the mail (new shoes that I'd intended to wear in the family photos we had taken on Saturday - they got delayed by a day, boo), & ate two gingersnap cookies. I need to go to bed within the next half hour*, because my Unisom will kick in (it's part of all-day-sickness cocktail that I'm still dependent on - Zofran, B6 & Unisom - none of which are all that effective) & I'll become a total zombie barely unable to drag my nauseous self into bed if I wait too long.

I forgot to eat lunch. Oops.

More laundry. Always more laundry. 

I feel like I had a productive day. I've done a lot of things**. Except shower! And throw up (hooray - the second consecutive day!). And I suppose I didn't talk about the really great but sort of bittersweet trip I had to New York last week, or about our Easter festivities, or about the day we went to the splash park the other week & Q absolutely did not want to leave (enter an epic tantrum).


But first,  a shower. And sleep.

*I did not go to bed within the next half hour.
**I did not admit to driving 10 minutes out of my way this morning to get a sausage / cheese / egg biscuit sandwich + Coke at Chik-fil-A. It was that kind of morning. 


Jan said...

That was SOME day! Poor little guy to have that ear infection. It will clear up quickly though and you'll both soon be back in happy land. You managed well though, and hopefully got a good nights rest as a reward for your job well done. You are a wonderful mom. I am so proud of you! xoxox

Jill said...

This gave me a headache reading. I try not to plan more than 1 activity per day, otherwise I my head might explode.

Did you know that you are really the only friend that I talk to on the phone on a regular basis? That's how much I love you.

Jennifer said...

I didn't know you had photos taken with Wendy! We are supposed to see her in June, but with the move, I don't know...

I'm dying to hear what you wore. I have to start planning out our outfits.

Jamie said...

Reading this makes me happy to know that my typical day is considered normal. Thanks for the confidence boost.