Apr 25, 2012

We went to the zoo THIS MORNING.

Did you see that? THIS MORNING. Not last month, not last week. THIS MORNING. And I'm already posting photos! I'm so on top of life, internet.

(Except that I have 29 things to do before we leave for Hawaii on Saturday. Twenty-nine. I just counted. Thirty, actually. I just remembered I need to pick up a guide book at Barnes & Noble, & actually, my tire on my car is still leaky which means that I probably should take it in before I leave it with my mom for a week. Thirty-one.) 

So this morning! We went to the zoo & met up with our Heights friends that have been kind enough to take us in under their friendship wings since our move here last fall (thank you, Noe). We rode the train to our picnic spot & you've never seen a happier Quinn. It's the first time I've seen him THAT excited for something, & it was sure evidence that he is growing up & turning into a boy. But seriously, in the first photo below he's saying Please let me go, please let me go, please let me go mama! All he wanted to do was get on that train. And when he did, he wanted to sit all by himself on his seat, with a huge grin on his face - while gripping on to my pinky for dear life, of course.

It was 90˚ today & probably the last time that we'll go outside without some sort of serious water involvement. Bittersweet.



Jill said...

Wyatt and Jude dream about the train park in AZ. In fact, Jude regularly asks if we can go to the "orport" (aka airport) so we can fly to AZ and ride the trains. Poor kids. Stuck in freaking ID. :)

Love these pictures.

Meg said...

So maybe I just got a little misty eyed at your comment about him turning into a little boy... little Q you are becoming so independent! Love these photos and impressed with your day-of blogging!

erin said...

that first picture breaks my heart a little--he looks so earnest! so sweet.

Corinne said...

Yay for same day blogging! I love Quinn's little mussed "dennis the menance" tuft of hair in the back that can't be contained.

noelle said...

i did not get enough time with the q yesterday. or with you. and the little time we did have together, i was too busy simmering over our 1 1/2 hour trek from garage door to the train station. so much for living in the inner loop. #%@!. dadgum field trippers.

Jan said...

I LOVE the train! I'll do the zoo next time, for sure! Q is the sweetest little boy. He's curious, happy, and ever so easy to be around. I loved being with him - every minute.