May 11, 2012

If only his mama loved him enough to remember his swimsuit.

At least Ella was kind enough to share her quesadilla with a grabby Q (I did in fact at least remember his picnic lunch). Her towel, too! 

(Doesn't true love always start this way?)

And then Q conquered the stairs. You know, in his underpants.


Mandy said...

So this might seem a little stalkerish but I have been reading your blog for a few years. (I am friends with Kelli and am pretty sure we were in the same ward for a semester before you two lived together.) I love reading your blog and seeing pictures of Ella and Grace as their dad is my cousin. Cute pictures as always.

Elizabeth said...

I love Love love his legs! What a fun place for him to play. Don't worry we have ALL forgotten swim things and had kids play in diapers is does not equal being a bad mom.

Lindsey said...

cutest pics! looks like a great outing - wishing for some sun and warmth my way now...

Missy said...

I think you are onto something Kathryn. Take photos with the big camera, blog them and then eventually instagram them. I am going to start doing that. Blogging is #1!

Love this entire series of photos though. Q has the littlest feet in those cute shoes.

Natalie said...

I love so many of these pictures!!! And I'm completely unbiased towards the subjects:) I love Quinn eyeing Ella's quesadilla, I love their little legs and feet dangling next to each other, I love that you captured Grace and her infatuation with Quinn perfectly. I think we have a system from now on: I'll remember swimsuits and towels for everyone and you just bring that camera of yours!

Jill said...

He is precious. And totally has a girlfriend.

erin said...

and he has the tiniest, cutest feet i've ever seen. obviously our children's gene pools have a different foot-size tributaries.