May 23, 2012

Twenty months.

We were walking into a store yesterday & he said, Target. 

 (This makes me ashamed & proud at the very same time.) 

We spent an hour or so at The Children's Museum (we decided it was time to leave after he thoroughly drenched himself in the water feature - he's obsessed with splashing & absolutely does not understand the concept of fishing for plastic sea creatures). Afterwards, we grabbed a quick lunch at the deli next door. He had a grilled cheese sandwich & chocolate milk (a sugar-splurge since he was out for a special lunch with mama), & looked like such a big kid sitting there eating away. We were surrounded by a bunch of high school kids & their off campus lunch escapades, & I made him promise right then & there that he'd never really grow up.

He wants to climb up everything - the couch, the chairs, & especially the slide. He understandably gets quite frustrated when other kids want to go down while he's working his way to the top. And once he gets there - it's all the way back down on his belly. Funny.  

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