May 8, 2012

We're back.

We're home from Hawaii.

It was amazing. I'll have to post about it someday. 

We came home to a spotless house, freshly baked bread, & a little boy with a perfectly cleaned-up haircut. He really missed his Grandma after she left, & despite being sick, had the very best time with her. I just can't even thank her enough. She really mothered Q better than I ever have, & I'm sure that I have my work cut out for me now that his expectations have been adjusted. We got daily photos & video from her, & there was absolutely no evidence that he missed us one single bit.

So, we're home now & settling back into our routine, with that routine being a still-sick Q (he got a stomach bug - or something of the sort - 48 hours after we left him for the first time ever. Perfect), & trying to work through the bazillion things on on our catch up list while simultaneously adjusting to reality. Seriously, where are all of the rainbows in Texas?! Sigh.

Random: Since I was feeling extra-busy this weekend, I decided to make a cake. It was amazing (bless Ree Drummond's heart). But really, why do I do these things? It took way too long, there were 29 other things I should have been doing, & there was no occasion to make it, but I wanted that cake. So I made it, staying in my sweatpants & Hawaii tshirt all day long.

Yesterday, I spoke to the pediatrician about Q's poo for a solid 20 minutes. I finally laughed & said, This is my life! So much poo-talk. 

This discussion led to an appointment at the pediatrician this morning, conveniently timed for just after we'd already spent a few hours at the OBGYN (I'm halfway done with this pregnancy, phew). Q was obviously not the happiest of campers, & water leaked out of my eyes in the pediatrician's office when four of us had to pin down Q to get like 17 quarts of blood from him so that they could run some tests. It was traumatic to say the least, but thanks to a group singalong of Old McDonald (with two nurses, a doctor & Q's mama - we actually sounded fantastic) he made it. I on the other hand just barely made it through the day. The fact that I was up last night between 2:30 & 5am throwing up didn't help the situation. 

A mid-day text-plea for help meant that my trusty babysitter came over for a few hours after school. I love her. I had a fierce internal debate between climbing into my bed & pulling the covers over my head (necessary), or heading out & getting some errands taken care of. I chose the latter, because productivity sometimes trump rest when you have a toddler & an opportunity for flexibility. Of course, it rained immediately after I had my car washed, I ripped off half of my toenail in a freak accident at the grocery store involving a shopping cart, & Great Harvest was out of my favorite whole grain pancake mix. 


But! I have leftover cake in the fridge. I plan on eating it as soon as I'm confident that it will stay down. And despite feeling like total poo, I got one million things done this afternoon, things that would have taken four times as a long had I had my little buddy with me. That feels nice. 

And now I'm spent.

Photos from the past few days. Q looks happy, if only a little bit skinny. 


Katherine said...

I hope Q is okay drawinging blood/shots are the worst thing ever. You do not even look pregnant! Glad you guys had fun on your trip.

Emilee said...
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Emilee said...

I saw that cake the other day on another blog and have been dying to make it... You confirmed that I should, this weekend!

Jill said...

I thought about calling you yesterday. I should have listened to the spirit. Sorry, friend. I hope today goes better.

Lula. said...

You are glowing. And you are such a beautiful mom (sounds like you learned from the best kind!).
I am so sorry about your horrible day... seriously, have you ever CRIED so much since being a mother?? I sure haven't.

And I love Q, he is so beautiful. Can't wait to see what baby sister looks like!

Missy said...

I wish I could ask your mom to come watch my girls while Devin and I go to Hawaii! What a dream:)

You do look pretty and do I spy ombre hair? Love it.

I hope you have heard Q's results already? And everything checked out normal! (I have done that pinning down when Coco was in the hospital, it's horrible.)

Elizabeth said...

All I want to know is how do you look hardly pregnant. I look like a cow by now.

erin said...

hi. i want your hair. i decided mine needs about 5 inches lopped off so i don't look like a gnarly hippie.

and it's no wonder that he isn't sleeping--look how happy he is that you're home. that picture is so sweet. and glad the poop sitch is working itself out.