Jul 13, 2012


New trick: Walking up & down the stairs. The inside stairs, the outside stairs... we have a lot of options, & pracice often.

Other new tricks: getting really, really blonde hair, rarely sleeping in past 6am (thank you, northern sun), opening his mouth & eating the air as we're zipping along in the boat, new songs + hand motions as taught by Aunt Tara, kayaking (with mama), & eating massive amounts (for such a small boy!) of Grandma's famous pancakes.


Mandy said...

Q looks like such a big boy in these photos! His smile is darling.

Meg said...

In short: little baby Q is becoming little *boy* Q. Sniffle.

Jill said...

Love his shoes!

erin said...

so my comment is totally unoriginal: he is not a baby anymore. he's ready for that big brother role.