Aug 3, 2012

Happy Friday (the other 2%).

Today it was up at 5:30am (ouch), Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! as soon as we stepped foot into the post office, an early & poorly-timed nap in the car on our way to Target at 10am, & his first-ever refusal to eat a quesadilla while we were out at dinner (shocking - & quickly followed up by a Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! while pointing to the door, of course). 

Poor Q was clearly unhappy about something. 

Here's to a new day tomorrow!

(Flashback to 2 years ago & 33 weeks pregnant with this sweet boy.)

1 comment:

Jill said...

"Mom, I think he is crying because his brother took his toy..."-Wyatt

I love all these pictures. I can't believe how much of a big boy Q is now. And he is a total toe head. I wish my kids were blonde blonde blonde like that.

Please move to Boise and document my life again.