Sep 18, 2012

On his birthday.

Q's actual day of birth was mellow. 

We made his favorite breakfast (cheesy eggs + cinnamon toast). We went to church (he loves, loves nursery). He ran around the house post-church & played with Donkey & did happy dances everywhere. Naps were taken by everyone (except me). It rained really hard, & I loved it. We got nice phone calls & texts from friends & family, & took advantage of FaceTime throughout the day (the look on Q's face when he talks with third-cousin-friends Indie & Fox is always priceless). We opened sweet & generous gifts (buttons! books! a lantern! a tent! toys!) from family & friends (thank you). I made* Q a layered mini cake with the yummiest frosting (he was a little scared of the candles given the birthday party incident the day before, but blew it out nonetheless). We sang our traditional Hudson Family Birthday Song, he did a lot of practicing with the word two!!! & he went to sleep tired but happy. 

 *If you already knew about Trader Joe's Madagascar Vanilla Bourbon cake mix & had not yet told me about it, we are in a fight.


Lizzie said...

Sounds like a perfect & special day. We love that book "Trains that go". And how adorable is that tent?!

Btw, Your house looks so clean & you have great rugs! (We are in the market for rugs since our downstairs neighbors complained about noise - but can't find any we really love! Ugh!).

Meg said...

Oh happy birthday sweet boy! I got a little misty eyed reading this. 2! Already! (It also made me realize how long we've been internet friends!) It sounds like the perfect day for your baby boy* to celebrate.

*for now.

erin said...

big boy spikey hair! we miss you quinn hudson whiting. god bless facetime.

Jill said...

He is one cute boy. I love his church get-up and he does look so, so happy. Happy Birtday Quinn!