May 31, 2013

Snippets + a Menu.

Our friends / second cousins the Burtons have been living with us this week, waiting for their house to close and for their things to arrive from Nevada. It has been wonderfully chaotic in the very best sense - a house full of kids, and (mostly) happy faces everywhere you look. There has been a tremendous amount of laundry and dishes, of course, but things really could not be going more smoothly. We are so happy to have them back in Texas. Quinn loves playing with India-nana and Fox, and I love that he's so often happily occupied. He called me Kathryn a few times this morning, which I suppose is evidene of all of the people we've had at our house this week. Mike said that it has felt a little bit like a frat house (of toddlers!), but extra playdates have been really easy and fun, and a good introduction of Erin + her babies to our Texas friends.

I planned most of our meals for the week, keeping lunches pretty flexible and most of it easy. Meal time is a little bit hectic, but it's so much easier with Erin's extra set of hands. I really love co-parenting. This little arrangement will serve us well over the next several months (years), I'm sure.  

Here's what we've done: 

B: Trader Joe's bran muffins + green smoothies (generally a mix of kale / coconut yogurt / frozen banana / flax + whatever fruit we have on hand - I like apples, a whole lime or lemon, and the tropical frozen fruit mix from Costco)
D: Southern Living Enchiladas with guacamole and watermelon + strawberry shortcake (Trader Joe's shortcakes topped with vanilla ice cream, sugared strawberries, whipped cream and this strawberry sauce that is so amazing and easy)

B: Martha's basic pancakes with blueberries + green smoothies
D: Rosemary and garlic baked salmon with roasted potatoes and salad

B: Eggs and toast
D: Easy fish tacos (Fresh tortillas with Trader Joe's fish sticks cooked and shredded, mixed in with chopped cabbage, cilantro and Trader Joe's cilantro lime dressing. I like fresh mango salsa, cotija cheese and cilantro on top)

B: Cereal and yogurt 

B: Mom's Blueberry Muffins + green smoothies
D: Girl's night out @ BRC (we made spaghetti and meatballs for the husbands + babies)

B: Cereal
D: I had intentions of doing Quinoa Tacos (again - so obsessed with this recipe), but we're going to pick up some pizza instead and call it good.

And then - a bunch of unrelated photos from a few weeks ago. I'm still playing catch up and haven't even uploaded photos from my camera in at least a week (this is serious for me).  I need a personal assistant. 

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