Jul 16, 2013

The master bath.

So, Quinn just said our morning prayer before our breakfast. 

Thank you for Erin. Thank you for Fox, Indie-nana and Baby Junie. Thank you for the pool. Thank you for West. Thank you for Dad. Amen.

I didn't make the cut this morning, but when I put his clothes on after he'd eaten, he said I'm so handsome!! with the biggest smile. So - at least confidence isn't an issue. We'll work on gratitude for his sleep-deprived mother later. 

Bath time from a few weeks ago, probably because it's one of the rare times that my babies hold sort-of still (and if I haven't gotten photos of them that day for their individual blogs, then I snap them then). West was teething like crazy, and couldn't keep his hands out of his mouth for a few days, but considering that was basically his worst reaction (save it be a night or two of being sad), I'd call us lucky. The four teeth that he has now have aged him significantly and I'm loving my photos from just a few weeks ago when he was still my baby. 

Shot in black and white. Again.

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