Dec 28, 2011

Our Christmas was merry + mellow.

Christmas this year was simple & quiet - just the three of us. Kind of really awesome (no stress, just our family, no traveling, no hosting, etc.), but also just a teensy bit sad (I always miss my family at holidays, & time spent with them seems to be too infrequent). Thanks to our son who prefers to beat the sun to start the day, it started a bit too early but we're almost used to this now. We opened stockings & went through gifts (Q was most excited about his new books of course, & the truck his cousin sent) - both while it was still dark outside - & then ate a quick breakfast & headed off to church where Q tried to join in with the primary children's musical number. Afterwards, we immediately changed back into our lounge wear, spent way too long cooking dinner & then proceeded to eat basically an entire batch of rolls between the three of us (likely why two people have asked me in the past week if I'm pregnant).

We had a happy day. Quiet, mellow, but full of everything that mattered. We were happy to give each other a few thoughtful gifts, happy to introduce Quinn to more of Christmas, & happy to just spend the day together listening to good music, eating good food & feeling like life is really pretty good right now.

I took approximately 17 photos with my big camera, & I liked one of them. Thank goodness for our trusty iPhones.

Also: turns out not-quite-washed-off + day-old mascara looks like eyeliner at 6am. Hooray!


ellen said...

OK. That picture of him in the chapel is too much. He's a big boy now!

Lizzie said...

Quinn looks too cute in his bow tie & red shoes at church. Looks like you guys had a very Merry Christmas!

erin said...

he's killing it in that church outfit. day old mascara works very, very well for you.

Missy said...

Christmas morning photos are priceless. Sleepy and dark outside is the only way. Looks like you guys had a quite, cozy holiday.