Jan 1, 2012


We went to church this morning, made it through 97% of it (!!), came home & ate a quick lunch before taking a long family nap (with Q in his crib, Mike in our bed, & me on the couch, where I had basically collapsed from post-church exhaustion). I woke up with the warm sun streaming through our windows & onto my face. My house was perfectly quiet in that moment & I loved it. No ringing phones, no music, no television. Just bright sunshine & stillness

Q & Mike played at the park while I made dinner, we spent time with the Lauritzens - New York friends who have moved to Texas! - & now we're getting ready for our last day of vacation before Mike heads back to work on Tuesday. I don't think I'm going to like Tuesday very much.

I wish I had the time + energy to give 2011 a proper recap. Our year was busy, & I'm certain that's a massive understatementWe were on airplanes almost every month (Utah, Colorado, St. Thomas, Texas, Italy, Switzerland, Priest Lake, Hilton Head, back to Utah, Las Vegas, New York!), survived our first New York City winter with a baby & went through really gigantic changes as a family as we said goodbye to the city we had known & loved for six & a half years. The perk of quitting a job & moving to another was three months of garden leave for Mike - an opportunity that we'll likely never have again. Spending the entire summer together was the highlight of our year, & we capped it off by landing in a good + happy (albeit it a tiny bit warm) place. Unexpected changes have come with blessings, & we have a lot to be thankful for. I'm most grateful for the support of the friends & family members who helped our family get through the past 6 months of changes - physically & emotionally (especially emotionally). I spent much of the past year (new mother + big move) being a total basket case, & I'm happy to know that true friendship comes with unconditional love.

2012! Quinn was born in 2010, which all of a sudden feels like a lifetime ago. I thought we'd all be flying around in Jetson-esque space cars by now, but I suppose my iPhone is a small miracle in & of itself. 



Jill said...

love all the pictures. your christmas looked lovely. and your trip to ny, eating at all the yummy places and seeing just enough fun things sounded wonderful too. are you sad christmas is over? i am. i still want to keep my christmas tunes blasting but i feel weird about it.

Lindsey said...

loving the catch-up on your blog. what a cute pic of quinn!

happy 2012.

Missy said...

this is a super cute picture. the iphone really is incredible. I was just thinking today that Google wasn't even around when we were in high school. Crazy!