Jan 3, 2012

Rise & Shout.

We went to Dallas last week to say hi to the Burtons & to watch BYU play a football game. Being the superfan that I am, I didn't have a clue who we were playing (Mike just said, Tulsa) or what the occasion was (a bowl game - I don't really know what that means at the end of the day). I'm fairly certain that Matthew Burton wanted to slap me silly after I asked about what fake spike?! at the end of the game (Were you even there?!?!), but Erin & I had a really nice time chatting! And we did a lot of cheering at the end, when our team pulled through & won the game in the last 11 seconds. Hooray! Go BYU!

I really didn't deserve to be there (I'm a Cougar, but am an admittedly fair-weather fan), but it was a lot of fun. Maybe I like football after all (sort of)! I did find my future husband at a BYU football game, so perhaps I should be more sentimental about attending games. 

Did I mention that Erin had to bring a giant tube of sunblock because it was so warm & sunny? I'm feeling pretty great about Texas winters. 

And then a little video just for fun! 


Kylie Whiting said...

Does BYU play more games in Texas than they do in Utah? I swear you've been to more games this year than I have. Also, I think I would fit nicely in that photo of you and Erin for the following reasons:

a) we'll all be related
b) i have a full head of brown hair
c) i am always game for wearing cougar apparel

Marcus Lane said...

and what a game it was! i am jealous that you got to go....i am not a fair weather fan....ha!

erin said...

i like your video and kylie's comment a lot. except i should work on that cougar apparel part. oversized denim shirts don't count.

Jill said...

"hey erin, what is the name of the make-up we wear again?"

i can't take all these burton + whiting bi-monthly reunions. jealously.