Jan 4, 2012

Various things.

Today I'm just a little bit tired, & I had the kind of day where I accomplished only one thing on my very long to do list. I went to the post office & re-mailed a package I had sent to friend Suzi weeks ago, only to have it returned to me the other day (after weeks of us saying, What happened to that package!?). See, I'd merged my old 80th Street address with her current 86th Street address to make a strange hybrid address that does not actually exist in New York City. I must have been homesick that day, because I know her address by heart. Oh well. Happy Birthday, Ben! A month late. Sigh.

A few things, in no particular order: 

Sister Elizabeth gave birth to Sloane Elizabeth last night in Orem, Utah. 4 pounds 3 ounces at 31 weeks. Elizabeth has spent the last 12 weeks on bed rest & the last several in the hospital, all while her two sweet boys have been at home with their dad (who of course already has a full-time job). This baby girl could have made an entrance to the world weeks & weeks ago, but through the help of so many, she got to cook a lot longer. She's got a little bit of work to do before she can leave the hospital, but she is mostly healthy & we are grateful. I'm also extra grateful for my brother in law's family in Utah & for the good care they have given my sister when I could not. I wish, I wish, I wish during times like these that we all lived on one massive family compound (with lots of wide open spaces for those times when we'd had quite enough family time, of course - my family is very, um, high energy!). Since we don't, I just really love all of the people who have shown love to my sister. We've all had a lot of worried tears, & I've said a lot of little thank you prayers over the past 24 hours.

A lighter note! I ran into friends twice this week. Like, people that I knew, & who stopped & said hello. !! We're slowly making friends in our neighborhood & gym, & it's nice. It's amazing to me how used to being alone I have gotten. Running into happy + familiar faces is a good feeling.

Q ate Hawaiian Haystacks with extra curry for lunch today. You've never seen a happier boy. He's barely eaten a morsel of food each day for the past few weeks (sick + teething), & he inhaled it. My child loves food with a kick. I have high hopes of him being a foodie like his mom & dad.

Also: Mike has taken over green smoothie - making duties every morning. Since Q won't eat his veggies, he eats an extra-green smoothie every day. Loves them. This morning, we all had egg-in-a-holes & green smoothies. A good breakfast makes me happy.

I went running today in a tshirt. Q & I spent hours outside without coats. 75˚! I love winter in Texas. 

A few thoroughly unrelated photos, but my favorites from the past week. 


Missy said...

I am super into green smoothies. All smoothies lately. What are your favorite recipes? Or should I be asking Mike? Share Mike, share!

Lindsey said...

Your winters in Texas sound perfect. I dream of a winter like that.

We have smoothies most days but haven't gone entirely green. (I usually just throw a handful of spinach in there with the berries). I want your recipe too (or mike's).

Jan said...

Sounds like a wonderful/happy week. I am so glad Q is getting past these rough weeks of teething. I'm sure you are both(all) , much, much happier. Look at you and Erin with your kiddos looking so gown up! Wow they are just sprouting, aren't they?