Jan 7, 2012

The Waterway.

Today: It was 75˚. In January! I know I'll be saying all sorts of bad words about Houston come summer, but right now, we're big fans. We ate lunch al fresco with our friends (we have a few!) this afternoon - at Grimaldi's pizza, just like you get it in Brooklyn, but without the hour long line. God bless them for opening new locations outside of New York. The sun was shining, & we actually got a little hot a few times. In January! 

(I am obviously still not used to this warm winter phenomenon.)

We walked along the waterway afterwards, talked with the ducks, tried to get a suitable photo of Q + mama (it took several attempts - look below!), & then got Q home for a nap while I went to Costco*.

I squeezed in my long run at the gym tonight (note: my long run isn't especially long at this point - I'm working on it). Our Saturday nights are clearly glamorous, but our day was full & it was the only option I had. Added bonus: running just a few treadmills away from my new OB/GYN who I saw for a nice pelvic exam last week. Hi, lovely to see you again! Eek.

Also: Mike said he thought that Quinn looked like a watermelon today. I thought he looked cute! Either way, he's obsessed with my sunglasses, is suddenly making goofy faces every time I pull out my camera & is all over the toys at the park. I like almost-16 months. Teething & sickness aside, we're in a happy place.

*Going to Costco alone is now one of my very favorite things. The simple pleasures in life!

1 comment:

Missy said...

I'm glad you captured the glasses rip-off. It really doesn't end, Chloe still pulls mine off me all the time.