Feb 2, 2012


Baby is bathed & sleeping, dinner is cleaned up, laundry is folded, toys are put away, & I have some vegetables roasting in the oven - because they have been making the perfect snack, lately. I have a yummy candle burning & Mike is on his way home from the airport. Tomorrow is Friday. Happy.

(Q's new favorite thing is playing peek-a-boo behind the curtains.)


noelle said...

that last photo! q! i'm so in love.

Heidi said...

Kathryn, Q gets more adorable everyday!

Jill said...

roasted vegetables, so smart, I need to try that more often. have a great weekend!

erin said...

i finally made those veggies--rave reviews from everyone in my household. indie even pecked at them--huge success!

Corinne said...

I love these. Did you use some sort of filter?