Mar 15, 2012

Technically, it's still winter.

(Until March 20th!)

Mike was in New York this week, & every time he goes, I get a little bit sad. He eats at our favorite places, sees some of our favorite friends & often comes back (not-so-seriously) asking, did we make the right move?? 

And then the wheels start spinning. 

There are pros & cons to just about every major life decision, & sometimes - there are two pretty great forks in the road, despite the fact that they may lead to very different places. There are times when we need to remind ourselves to focus on the plethora of things that we really love about our current situation, while accepting that it's okay to (really) miss so many things about our last. After all, we chose Texas because we knew it was right for our family - despite the fact that it was a choice that hurt.

(I write many of things down to reinforce them in my brain.)

Amongst those things that we're really happy about in Texas - winter! Bless the winter here, seriously. We met friends Brit & Megan at the park today & we let the littles splash around in the water in their swimsuits in the warm sunshine before grabbing sandwiches for lunch (6 children vs. 3 mamas - it was a beautiful circus). All of it was really nice - the sun, the slight breeze, the open space, the friends. The latter has taken some time (& will continue to, I'm sure), but I'm currently grateful for the few choice friends I have here in Texas that are good & that I am settling in to trust & count on. These things means a lot when you're still feeling far away from home. 

Q was initially hesitant about the fountains, but then he literally dove right in - & then screamed bloody murder when it was time to get dressed & head to lunch. We may have to head to the pool after his nap. You know, in March. Winter.

*I am well aware that Houston in the summer is very close to hell on earth. We moved here last August during one of the worst droughts the area has ever seen! We're prepared & will be spending a great chunk of time sitting in the pool, when not at Priest Lake for most of July (hooray!). 3/4ths of the year has beautiful weather. We'll take it.


Heidi said...

Both of my kids are totally scared of those fountain things- Q is brave (or maybe mine are just abnormally unravel). This summer in winter post reminds me so much of our time in Vegas.

Jill said...

There is a water park near our house and we drive by it most days. Wyatt is dying to go there. I told him we could go for his Birthday in July. In the summer! So everyday he asks if it's summer yet so he can go swim for his Birthday. It's kind of sad actually. Boise is so awesome.