Mar 30, 2012

We went to the rodeo, Y'all.

Or holy $#@*&*! we live in Texas!

(I don't know any cuss words that have that many letters so don't get mad, Mom.)

But seriously. When we went to the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo the other weekend, it was quite the cultural experience. And by cultural, I mean that I've never seen so many varieties of fried food in my entire life & half the people had accents so thick that it sort of sounded like they were speaking a different language. 

Welcome to Texas, passports please!

But we went! And it was really fun! And people were really friendly & dressed up in their best Texan garb (I know there's a word for this Suzi, & it's totally slipping my mind). I wore my fancy never-worn "cowboy boots" that I'd purchased on a whim for approximately $14 at the Target IN HARLEM (#ImissNYC) - funny in more ways than one - but I was missing anything bedazzled, wasn't wearing any Texas jewelry (the shame!) & forgot my daisy dukes at homeI've always tried but not quite been able to fit in. Sigh.

Quinn was really, really excited about the petting zoo. He was absolutely giddy that all of these fluffy animals had no problems with him poking his fingers into their eyes & mouths (something that his mama protests daily), & wandered around saying hello to one animal & the next for as long as we'd let him. I loved watching his pure excitement & happiness, until I saw him chewing on his shoe in his stroller a few minutes after we'd left - the same shoe that had stomped through the petting zoo for a solid 30 minutes, the same place where I'd seen a llama (?) pee a gallon onto that same ground upon which he was walking (maybe this explains why I threw up non stop for the next 72 hours). 

It was hot by the time we left around 1pm, so we stopped & got the biggest limeade you've ever seen - which was actually the second biggest limeade that they were selling (which was absolutely ridiculous). 


ellen said...

A turkey leg? Not many places you can get one of those!

Lindsey said...

how cute are you in your cowboy boots! love them. Mmm... and limeade sounds really good right now. Q looks SO excited to be around those animals.

Heidi said...

Quinn is LOVING it there, adorable.

I have been to a rodeo in Texas and I know what you mean about the daisy dukes ;-). And all around cultural phenom of it all.

Also, does not sound like a fun pregnancy sickness outing- all those smells and movement!

Megan said...

Your blog is priceless, I love it. And by the way, I could NOT believe how many people we saw actually eating a turkey leg. Barf. B and A were in heaven in the petting zoo. Me? A bit claustrophobic.

Lizzie said...

I am amazed that Quinn was so brave with the animals! Looks like ya'll had a good time :)

Oh also I love the cowboy boots. Every time we visit Texas I tell JT that I want some cowboy boots. You make them look good!

erin said...

his face. pure joy.

i love fair pictures! reminds me of our day at coney island.

wearing cowboy boots during the heat of the day is about as appealing as having a cup of steaming hot coffee while walking in a fourth of july parade. but they do it. i'll never understand it. and you've gotta be wearing a little mini baby doll dress with your boots. this is the football game uniform for any good coed.

Jill said...

quinn is probably the happiest little boy i have ever seen in a petting zoo. and speaking of that zoo, it is legit! they actually let you in with the animals??

well played with those boots. you fit right in.

and i'll second erin's comment. these pics remind me of coney island!

Judy said...

I love reading/seeing photos about Texas from the viewpoint of someone knew to Texas! I was born and raised there (Dallas) in California now...but miss so much of the culture. I LOVE your pictures with the Ferris wheels! Quinn definitely looks like he's in "hog heaven!" (A definite Texas sayin'!)

Julie said...

Quinn's face makes me smile! That boy and his big smiling eyes. The fact that your boots are from Harlem is just the icing on the cake.

Missy said...

Q is so so excited to be there. My girls like petting zoos too. But, I just am not a huge fan of animals so I have trouble going in them. Devin gladly take s them though...I always imagine the very thing you described - hands touching their (my) face after petting all those goats! Even still you guys look good at a Texas rodeo, somehow it is becoming like the right thing to see when I click on your blog.