May 17, 2012

Little friends at the zoo.

I met up with Houston friends Betty & Noelle at the zoo yesterday morning (#willcommuteforfriends). Our little boys are all within a few weeks of each other, & someday, I bet they'll think that's really fun. Until then, we pushed them around the zoo trying really hard to make them excited about all of the different animals (think an endless stream of three moms saying, Look at that! Look! Looooook!!! Do you see it?! Do you see? LOOK!!). It turns out that they were mostly happy about the helicopters flying to & from the children's hospital nearby, although Quinn did have some smiles & giggles for the monkeys & the giraffes (next time, you'd better believe I will pay that $5 for three pieces of lettuce to feed those long-necked animals - Q would likely go into happiness hysterics). Really though, it was just nice to be outside on a really beautiful day with friends. The Houston Zoo is really great, & I'm sure that we'll love using our pass there this year (outside of the June-July-August months, anyway). Next time, we'll head to the petting zoo - with lots of hand sanitizer & maybe a fresh change of shoes. 

I should mention that Q refused to take off his sunglasses all morning, which was hilarious / unusual given that he'd never actually agreed to wear them for longer than four minutes before. I put them on, & they stayed put for the next several hours. The best part is that with the sunglasses-wearing comes a sunglasses face. Like, he's too cool to smile or something, & everything has to be all chic & serious. Kills me.

Afterwards, we met up with other-friend Danielle (+ baby Wells) at Happy Fatz in The Heights & I forced Noelle & Betty to eat hot dogs against their will (why do I have such a special place in my heart for these things?!) . Really though - so delicious! A fresh pretzel roll & lots & lots of hot dog options to choose from. Cake balls for dessert, too! It's a happy little hot dog house, reminded me of all of the small + quirky places we love(d) in New York, & I hope to go back very soon. 

(Of course, Q kept his sunglasses on all throughout lunch. Only the coolest of little boys can pull off wearing them indoors, I suppose.)

It was smaller than it looks*! I ate the whole thing. 

 *This is a lie. It was huge.


Missy said...

Oh my gosh, those glasses. And him taking them off barely to peek out!

I love hot dogs when I am strange and that one looks legit.

Meg said...

Oh Q! The sunglasses! He is such a character.

As you know, I am a big fan of hot dogs too. So much so that my 30th birthday party theme dog buffet. Quick, hop in the car and get up here. We'll save you a few dogs.

Jan said...

Oh yum! I want to go there when I visit next ! Sounds like you had a happy day !

Corinne said...

There was a petting zoo and you didn't take him? What a deprived child! Love the sunglasses. They def beat my kid's pink glittery pair.