May 20, 2012

This week.

We've been watching a lot of basketball. So much basketball. And Mike must be inspired, because he bought Q a little basketball hoop for our backyard & wants to go outside to shoot hoops with him all the time. If only Hudson height genetics were a bit more favorable... 

Also: I just found out that The Rolling Stones are from the UK. Um, excuse me universe, but how did I not know this?! Mike was like, Seriously? Oops.

Also! I cooked a lot this week & was sort of burned out by this afternoon. I had nothing planned for dinner, & finally decided to get my act together around 5:30 while Mike & Q were playing across the street at the park & my stomach was starting to rumble. I flipped through a few cookbooks until I found something that looked quick + yummy - Pioneer Woman's Barbecue Chicken & Pineapple Quesadillas. Of course, I'd been totally inspired to buy a fresh pineapple a few days before, & we had fresh tortillas + everything else we needed in the fridge. Delicious. Grilled pineapple! Makes me so happy.

My dad was in town this week! Wednesday through this evening, & we had a really fun time having Grandpa around. Lots of yummy meals cooked a home, a few great meals out, getting to celebrate his birthday on Friday (& Saturday!), plus an extra set of hands to help put together the patio furniture that arrived this week (bonus!). Hooray! He left this afternoon, clean sheets are already back on the guest bed & we're counting down the weeks until Priest Lake (6!).

I spent an hour in nursery at church today - just subbing while someone else was out. I think every child in the universe (& adult, periodically!) needs to go to nursery. It was the sweetest experience. The sweetest little lesson about being nice (The Good Samaritan - we talked about helping people with their owies, etc), a singing time with four little 18month - 2 year olds staring back at us with smiles, & lots of (mostly) happy play time. I liked watching Q with his little friends, was amazed that he sat there eating his snack while sitting in his chair like such a big kid, & was happy to see him get lots of reinforcements about really beautiful things like folding his arms & bowing his head to pray (which he often likes to do twice at mealtimes now). Church is a bit of a battle with a toddler, but  I'm glad that we take him & that he gets to go to nursery*.

We're going to San Antonio for Memorial Day weekend - just a little Texas vacation. We're planning on eating yummy Mexican food, going to Sea World & spending lots of time in the pool at the hotel. If you've been, tell me what to do! I hear it's lovely & I'm excited to get away for a few days.

Meanwhile! Q is thoroughly obsessed with Donkey. And his sunglasses. And at 20 months old, I really love him.

*Except when he screams & cries & just wants his mama - which is roughly 50% of the time, sigh. #attachementissues
(Donkey was invited to breakfast. Q probably needed comfort given that he'd been up between 1:30-5am FOR NO APPARENT REASON other than just not wanting to be alone. Where is my Donkey?)

(The sunglasses came to the park, of course.)

(Post-3 1/2 hour super nap. He carried Donkey & Puppy around for a solid half-hour.)

(We were out to dinner Thursday night & all of a sudden Q was looking so grown up, which I'm convinced is of course something that happens to all mothers' perceptions of their children every 2.7 weeks.)


Missy said...

I love the attachment issues with lovies. And I can't believe how much Q looks like Mike in all of these. Except the restaurant one with the high cheek dimple. So you!

Fun for you to have your dad out. I want to see a picture of the patio furniture!

Lindsey said...

I want to come to your place for dinner... Q is adorable. Have fun in SA. I love little family get aways.

Jill said...

Darling boy. I agree 100% about nursery, it is so fun and sweet. Now it is so strange to see Jane as the 'big girl' in nursery, mothering all of the little ones.

Jan said...

I completely get his attachment to his lovies.....they are so soft and sweet. Btw they wash well too - having experienced the necessity of doing that when I visited and we had all three of his friends covered with you know what. It was pretty awful, but he handled their absence stoically and they were done quick as a wink. Im thinking it's a daddies dream to play ball with his little boy. How fun!!

Jill said...

he is precious. and like 19 now. sad.

i saw those glasses at gap the other day and was so tempted. too bad my kids won't keep them on longer than 2 min.

ps. did i tell you about how jude comes into our room like 5 times a night now? he just climbs in bed with us and goes to sleep?? last night i heard a noise, looked on the floor beside our bed and found jude doing a thomas puzzle on Sean's phone (it was 3am). What?

erin said...

his wake-up face is the cutest. and his big bright eyes while sippin' a sodie (or milk). and speaking of quick dinners, that quinoa+black beans+corn+pico+avocado+ranch+bbq sauce+cilantro i threw together tonight was so so good. and duh easy. summer staple. and i even forgot cheese and it was still awesome.

Jennifer said...

His lips in that last picture are killing me. As his his fresh from a nap look.