Apr 29, 2013

Toddler for sale.

Quinn has been in time out approximately 2,345 times today for hitting his brother in the face (for no reason other than getting attention, I'd imagine - I clearly have some parenting techniques to work on, as my current ones are proving totally ineffective). 

And West - this is pretty much how he reacts (or with a blank stare and an excuse me? look). 

(I wish I had an ounce of his tolerance and patience today.)


Judy said...

Oh did this ever bring back memories! My daughter's oldest son, Benjamin, DEFINITELY went through a period doing this to his little brother, William. William was one on Feb 28...and Benjamin will be 4 in May...and I think the face-hitting has been over for a while now. But oh my gosh...it was so hard to see my sweet little man develop this little 'violent' streak!

acaster said...

Hey Kathryn,
Would you mind sending me your email address? I'm at acaster@emory.edu.