May 3, 2013

Bubbles, and an entirely undrelated + embarrassing story.

We spent the morning down at Noelle's house, letting the little boys run around and play while we got to sit and chat (it was really nice). West and Quinn both took short naps in the car on the way home, and neither successfully transferred to their cribs (darn), which meant that we had a long afternoon ahead of us. 

I decided to put the boys in the car to run an errand to a store a solid half-hour away, despite having a tired toddler and a baby that would be ready for a nap any second. 

This was mostly a really, really bad decision. I brought the boys into the baby store, and Quinn immediately started running wind sprints away from me while West quickly dissolved into exhausted tears. I was trying to pick out a stroller, and the salesperson was just sitting there looking at me like I was that mom (which of course - I was). Quinn started screaming about something (maybe he wanted milk? Chick Fil A? I can't remember), and the entire situation just deteriorated rapidly. 

I made a decision as quickly as I could and went to the counter to check out. 

Quinn's new favorite thing to do is to point out when he sees a Man or a Girl. Sometimes, a man gets called a Dad, but otherwise, he pretty much keeps things straight. So, we were sitting there in line this afternoon when Quinn started saying, Dad! Dad! Without looking, I told him that Dad was at work. He responded by pointing and saying, Man! Mama, a man! 

To the woman standing four feet away from us. The woman! 

She was wearing fairly androgynous clothing, and could have benefited from some makeup and a proper fitting bra, but still. QUINN!!!! He just wouldn't let it go - Man! Man! Mama - a man! 

She looked at me and just glared. I almost crawled under their new stroller to die, and booked it out of there as quickly as I could - absolutely horrified. 

My child!  

(And the bubbles - the best purchase of the week, from the dollar bin at Target. Quinn is obsessed with all things lights, buttons and bubbles. They've provided endless entertainment all week.)


Lindsey said...

That happened to me once with Izzy. We were waiting in the line at the post office. The lady she was calling a man (very loudly!), said in her deep voice: actually, i'm a woman.

thank goodness we don't have to see these women again.... mortifying! :)

Missy said...

Oh my gosh, this was funny. And then Lindsey's comment made me laugh more!

I have some very similar photos of my girls at these exact ages. Avery blowing bubbles and Coco just sitting in her (Oeuf) bouncer.

jocelyn said...

i read this the other day and totally thought of you when lucy and i were at panera yesterday and a very large man sat down at the table next to us. i was watching her watch him and was just waiting for a comment. sure enough, loud as can be, "he has a BIGGGG tummy!" oh man. so awkward.