May 21, 2013

Discovery Green.

One of my favorite photos of my mama, ever. West loved every single minute he had with her, except when she put his toes in the water. He didn't like that at all.

We went down to Discovery Green for Toddler Tuesday last week while my mom was here, but decided to avoid the crowds and play in the fountains with Q's small friends instead. Lunch at Phoenicia had the potential to be really lovely, but sweet Quinn was mostly a disaster (bless his energetic heart). Were it not for my assistant mother, I'm certain that I wouldn't have made it, because wrangling my toddler is like trying to train a cat on a leash. I need to go back there childless at some point (or at least toddler-less - West is so nice), because it was like a giant version of my favorite New York City markets, and I forgot to get some of the baklava to bring home. Sigh. 

Photos! Nothing like fountains on a warm summer day.

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