May 17, 2013

When Grandma was here (+ some rain).

Wednesday morning, the thunder rolled in and the skies opened up. I (mostly) love our summer thunderstorms here. The contrast of the fierce blue and grey skies with the bright green trees that we have in The Woodlands is really so beautiful (although sometimes scary - we can get big storms), and the moodiness and rain is sometimes a nice change of pace from the bright sunshine (not to mention heat). And the light! I love the light just after a storm passes through.

Quinn has always had a soft spot in his heart for water, whether it's the bath or the rain or the sprinkler.

My mom let him run out in the rain - with all of his clothes on! - and then through the sprinkler. She's so good at reminding me how much fun being a mama can be (especially when you let go just a little bit, because clothes dry and messes can be cleaned up).

Sprinkler so fun! So fun! That's all I've heard from him ever since.

Not sure I've seen him happier. 

(I'm loving my yard right now, esepcially with my magnolia trees in bloom.)

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