Jun 7, 2013

A play date.

Quinn asks for his friends by name a few dozen times per day - generally, at totally inappropriate times.

Mom! Ella's house! (at bedtime) or Mom! Ben come over! (at 5am, like this morning).

What I really love is that he often asks for their mamas, too. As often as I hear that he wants to play with one of his small friends, he asks to see one of my friends, too. I'm really happy about that, because that's best case scenario, of course: Your children love your dear friend's children. It makes for some happy days.

We've got a good thing going on in Texas - a nice little community of small friends and some women for whom I am grateful and indebted to for so many reasons.

(Also - Ella and Quinn? I swear, I  might cry if I don't get to make them a wedding slide show with all of their photos someday. They are the sweetest friends, even if Ella munched on Quinn's arm the other day, and even if Quinn isn't always the nicest and doesn't like sharing his flashlights very much. They just get each other.)

West is the easiest baby, just hanging out while the toddlers are all totally bananas. He's so calm and happy.


Natalie said...

These pictures! They just get better the older they get..

Natalie said...

These pictures! They just get better the older they get..