Jun 25, 2013

Nine months.

I woke up the other morning and realized that my baby was nine months old. Nine months is almost a year, and I can't even believe it (although it has been the longest and the shortest nine months of my life).

West is happy and sweet. He sleeps well, doesn't mind being thrown off his routine a tiny bit, eats anything I put in front of him, and has handled teething like a champion. He has started to yell when Quinn steals his toys (a common occurence) and insists on holding his own book during story time. He's started sitting up (finally!) two days ago and all of a sudden I'm seeing those glimpses of boy peeking through. 

Happy / sad. 

I took this video with my iPhone. Nothing significant, just my wiggly little baby. I've clearly adopted the something is better than nothing mentality in documenting West, but so it goes. I can't keep up with photos (the story of my past two years), I can't keep up with telling stories (like how West graduated form his helmet a few weeks ago!), I can't write worth beans any more (probably because I'm often too tired to even think straight), but I can throw a quick video together during nap time and post a few snippets on Instagram every day. Sigh.   


Elizabeth said...

you made that with you phone?! What app?? He is SOOO cute! Such a sweet happy baby.

Lindsey said...

i'm so impressed with your videos. They are so darling and yes, please tell me what app too! West is SO cute. Love his hair and he is looking just older. Adorable boy. I'm loving this age...

Jan said...

These two boys are getting more handsome every day, and isn't it fun watching them beginning to enjoy each other? There's so much more interaction, and soon enough they will be rolling all over the floor together like little bear cubs! Lucky you!!

k. said...

Lindsey / Elizabeth - I took the video with my iPhone, but made the movie in iMovie (although I have the app for iMovie as well - although I never use it, just on my computer).