Jul 2, 2013

Jumping (or not jumping).

He's not exactly super into, and his toes still don't touch the ground, but it gives us something to do and he's more or less happy. Success!

West. I took him to his 9 month appointment last week (with our new pediatrician, with whom I am absolutely in medical love). 99th percentile for his head, plopped onto his 5th percentile body. It's no wonder that he only started sitting up last week. She confirmed what I suspected - that he's a little behind in terms of gross motor skills (can you blame him?) - but we're going to get him some support and he'll catch right up. Maybe it's the helmets "fault", or maybe he's just struggling with having such a gigantic, um, brain. Either way, I'm enjoying this second round of motherhood and the significance decrease in worry that comes with it, despite the bit of intervention that we've had with West. Babies are different and do things at different times. He'll be fine, and his body will (mostly) catch up. Also, Quinn never crawled (ever! like, until he was almost 2) and didn't walk until around 14 months. Having babies who stay in one spot for a while is totally fine by me.

I think these photos are from last month, but seriously, maybe they're from last week. I barely know which way is up right now. My days are filled with diapers, naps, meals, cleaning up meals, laundry, and an activity every so often that involves getting us out of the house (today - lunch out and Trader Joe's!). Yesterday, I brushed my teeth at 2pm. Tonight - it's 8:45pm and I can barely keep my eyes open. Two little boys keep me busy and I don't remember the last time I felt rested. I came downstairs from nursing West the other night and plopped down on the couch next to Mike. Next thing I knew - and several hours later - I woke up in that same spot. He's so lucky. 

I've never known such tired, but I've always never known such happy*.

Like today - I was in the kitchen cleaning up from dinner (the Burtons had been over and I barbecued all by myself for the first time, ever - these Thai chicken skewers with a peanut coconut sauce that are a favorite recipe of ours). When Mike is in town, he always bathes the boys, and I sort of enjoy the few minutes I have to clean up in peace and quiet, listening to water running and giggles coming from the bathroom. Tonight, just like many nights, I heard the pitter patter of little feet, followed by Quinn sprinting into the kitchen, flashing his biggest grin, jumping into my arms and saying, "Mommy! Sooooo clean! So clean, mommy!" It's maybe the happiest part of that day, because he's so proud of himself, and we have this little tradition now of getting in a quick cuddle in the kitchen, just the two of us, while Mike finishes getting West dressed for bed. Little moments like that are really just magical.

(He is the sweetest of spirited children.)

We have a few more weeks in Houston and then we're off to Priest Lake for a month. Quinn keeps talking about the beach that doesn't have fire ants (his personal little Texan Heaven), driving Grandpa's boat and seeing all of his cousins. I can't wait for the smell of water and trees, and to spend good time with my family. We're home for a week and then off to a family trip with the Whitings, back home just in time to send Quinn off to preschool (?!), and then off to a wedding in San Francisco shortly after. I feel like things will get back to normal (whatever that is) by Halloween. 

*Although happy also includes all of the juggle that comes with a small family. Managing career, a husband who is away a significant amount of time, a marriage, family time, personal time [what's that?]... I drop a lot of balls quite often. 

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I'm going to make those chicken skewers tonight - sound yummy!