Jul 8, 2013

Priest Lake Prayers.

So, West has four teeth (!!) and yesterday morning, Quinn said Thank you for mommy for the first time during our morning prayer. This may have been right after he said, Thank you for Wells. Thank you for Danielle. but I will happily accept third place, because that's on the podium! It was a first, and my heart almost burst.

Anyway, these little boys of mine! The weeks are just zooming by, and I need to do a better job of capturing their little stories.

Quinn talks about sand a lot, because he is a two year old boy. To say he loves it would be a massive understatement. Gone are the days of going to the park and going down the slide. He just wants to throw sand, shovel sand, dig holes, and get dirty. It drives me totally bananas.

This is an especially bad situation when you live in Texas and have fire ants who build giant homes that look like sand castles. Quinn has learned about this the hard way (ouchie), but has remained generally undeterred. There is always a lot of talk about not playing in the sand because the fire ants will bite, but I think he views himself as invincible. We need a bigger scare tactic, apparently.  

Quinn also talks about Priest Lake often, and his little memory astounds me. He talks about playing in the snow (we have since explained winter vs. summer),  and knows and asks for most of his cousins by name. He has been asking to get on the airplane for weeks (months?) to go to the cabin. The other day at the park, he pointed in the sky at an airplane flying overhead and said, Go to airport! See Grandma! Priest Lake! He wants to drive Grandpa's boat, play with Ellie, and most importantly - play in the sand on Grandpa's beach. We've talked about how there aren't fire ants in the sand at Priest Lake, and I'm fairly certain that beach will be Quinn's own little personal version of Heaven.

His prayer this morning (after getting him from his crib where he was chatting away about our upcoming travels - I posted a video on Instagram) - Thank you for Wells (a standard these days). Thank you for Isaac. Thank you for Austen. Thank for you for the sand. Thank you for no fire ants at the beach! In the name of Jesus Christ, [cousin] Ellie!

Less than two weeks, buddy. 

|| 2012 ||


ellen said...

You've got yourself a cool little kid there!

danielle said...

That place looks like such a dream.