Aug 21, 2013

A tea party.

No one throws a party like my friend Mindy throws a party. 

In early July, Quinn got an invite to his first tea party, which was kind in and of itself considering a) he was the only boy and b) nothing about his prior behavior would suggest that he was capable of proper tea party manners. Still, he dressed up in his fanciest to celebrate the third birthday of his sweet friend Miss Adelaide. 

It was quite the lovely event, a fact that must have escaped Quinn given that he kept trying to sneak upstairs to play (um, ruin) video games with Jack or turn off (and then on) all of the lights in Mindy's house. Sweet boy. 

He's lucky to have such sweet girlfriends and I'm lucky to like their mamas a lot, too. I'm banking on Mindy to plan my children's parties for the years to come.

(Amongst a zillion other fabulous things, she made these sandwiches which I loved. We made them at the lake for lunch one day, and they were a huge success.)

And a few of us at home, before the party. Quinn kept saying, So handsome!! He does not lack confidence.


Judy said...

What sweet pictures! Quinn looks adorable in his clothes for the Tea Party! He must be a special little man to be the only gent invited to this party!

You are such a great photographer!

Ming said...

You're nice. We loved having Quinn...we needed a little gentlemen amongst all the ladies. And the boy was dressed to impress! Thanks again for taking all the fabulous pictures. I'm glad the sandwiches were a hit at the lake. That makes me happy.