Jan 11, 2012

From yesterday.


I sang him his lullaby four times last night, because when I'm putting him down to sleep, I'm acutely aware of the swift passage of time. I used to often rock him to sleep until his eyes were closed. Now, I hold him up in my arms & as soon as the song comes out of my mouth, his arm goes around mine & his head goes on my shoulder. He is sweet - but running around with his shirt off like he owns the place! Growing up. But he's still my Baby Q & he still lets me sing our song three extra times. So I do. 

I like each stage better than the last with this boy.

He is a good sleeper - finally. 12+ hours a night, waking up around 7am (which feels like noon, after months & months of 6am) & a good napper most days. I'm grateful for this. Sleep = sanity, & I was borderline crazy for the first 6 months of his life.

I hope he marries a nice Latin woman someday. He'll only eat Mexican food (or sometimes Thai or Indian). Beans, tamales, burritos, tortillas, cheese, guacamole, cilantro, curry, or anything with a kick. I've been battling to get him to eat his veggies (I'm unquestionably losing), so we compromise with frequent green smoothies & trips to Chipotle (their kids menu is so great - black beans, brown rice & a chicken quesadilla!). He's going through a funny phase of just being pretty clear about what he likes & doesn't. The other day, I gave him some string cheese as a snack & tore it down the middle. He looked at it, & threw it as far as he could. The alligator tears & shrieks that followed were unbelievable - & the sheer horror on his face spoke volumes about what a horrible thing I had done. So - I went to the fridge, got out a new (whole) piece of string cheese, & handed it to him. The tears immediately stopped & he chomped away. Well excuse me Sir Quinn!

Things my child refuses to eat: Grapes. Peaches. Cucumbers. Raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries... Oatmeal. Anything off of a spoon, really (he'll only feed himself). Macaroni & cheese. Cheerios (!).  Any sort of whole vegetable. The list goes on & on. Lunch time is generally a ton of fun.

Mike is in New York. This means I'll catch up on stuff around the house (I am always catching up), & finally put our (artificial) Christmas tree into the storage bag. Sort of like putting toothpaste back into the tube, so we'll see about that. Quinn & I will likely have a dinner date tonight, & I'll start thinking about how to refinish the antique mirror I decided that I needed off of Craigs List the other week (I am not a DIY-er & have no idea how I'll actually do this).

Random: my friend Julie passed along a link one of the best things I've read in a while - Don't Carpe Diem. I really, really loved it.

I absolutely cannot decide what pillows to keep on my bed. We have a rotating system between our bedroom & the four other pillows on the living room couch.


Ylrac said...

i wish q and june could be friends.

Mandy said...

I think Q is a-dorable!!

Missy said...

Such cute photos! He really is looking so big and are his eyes...brown? Hazel? Blue? I can't quite tell. But love that they are big.

Whitney said...

It's a good thing I am reading this late at night & no one can see the streams of tears coming down my cheeks.

Thank you for sharing that article. Words can't tell you how much I need that!

ps. I've missed reading your blog & seeing all your beautiful photos!

Lindsey said...

Those are gorgeous photos. So glad you get some good sleep now. Makes such a difference!

Jill said...

i loved that article, too. and quinn? he looks like he is 17. what?

andy said...

LOVE that last shot of him. it's a keeper. him, stripes, cozy bed, so many pillows. beautiful.

p.s. keep them rotating, what's wrong with that? i like changing it up : )