Mar 18, 2012

Colorado 2012.

We spent last week in Colorado for our annual Hudson / Whiting Ski Trip (last year was our inaugural visit - & this year Baby Nora was wearing his bear suit!), this year renting a really beautiful cabin slopeside at Copper Mountain. It was so refreshing getting off of the plane in Denver. The air is so crisp! Freezing cold, but fresh & clear (the only thing missing: oxygen - I felt like I was huffing & puffing my way up the stairs all week, which is understandable given we were above 10,000 feet). And the mountains! Oh my goodness, I think you only realize how flat Texas is when you leave & go somewhere else for a bit. Seeing those giant snow covered peaks was good for my soul. 

We were really happy being at Copper for a few days. Lots of space made for an easy trip with four little ones (!!), a yummy sandwich shop made for perfect + easy lunches & the nearby outlets made for a nice mamas-only escape for a few hours one afternoon. The girls went sledding, Q tried to get used to the snow (& never really did) & we really liked getting to just hang out with Patrick & Kera. On Friday, Mike's brother Dan came up (over? down?) from Denver with his girlfriend Sonia to spend the day, bringing Q the sweetest gifts that he loves - like, squeezes & hugs every day, loves. We loved getting to see them.

Then! We went back to Patrick & Kera's pretty home in Colorado Springs, which was like a thoroughly new vacation in & of itself! Warm sun. The Garden of the Gods! They are so spoiled living there, because it really is the most beautiful place. 

We have big plans for 2013. Cannot wait. 

Also: I didn't take nearly enough photos. Boo.


Jill said...

Fun! And you look hot of course.

Corinne said...

Wow. The cousins all look like siblings. You Hudsons must have strong genes.

Missy said...

pretty, pretty family. garden of the gods is one of our favorite places - we went when we were dating.

erin said...

i may do something drastic if i hear you talk about your hair being a total disaster again. yeah, looks like it's doing just fine. ditto to corinne's comment. and those hudson girls--so cute. hammin' it up for the camera--they know what's up.