Mar 13, 2012


We're almost halfway through March! I don't even know what to say about this, except holy smokes. We've lived in Texas for seven months. Q is almost 18 months old! Next month marks a birthday for Mike, & our seventh anniversary. I've had three (!!) nieces born since last fall.

Zoom zoom zoom. 

I can't seem to keep up around here with the details I love to record, but here's a photo from every day in March thus far (since my neurosis demand that I at least keep that up). The 1st through the 13th. Proving that our little boy is generally happy, & very much loved (+ also obsessed with videos of himself, running up & down the ramp at the park, his Ibuprofen bottle [can you say teething?] & waving hello & goodbye to everyone & everything).

(I gave Q a haircut this morning, so he's looking a little bit less homeless.)


Missy said...

It's the ramp!! That is just like our "bridges" here that when you jump on them they ripple. I will have to take a picture. Yes, heart attack when other kids run across them and your baby is just trying to make it across.

Love the cowlick standing straight up on his head:)

The picture of you and him is a new favorite!

Lindsey said...

i love that pic of you and him - frame please. and the pic of you three in Garden of the Gods. So pretty. I love your hair!

Becky said...

Can't believe how big he's getting. I feel like you had him yesterday! Time flies! Oh he is such a cutie and Kathryn you look gorgeous.:)

Jill said...

I love that picture of him looking at you! And the one where he is sorta squatting and looking like such a big boy. So cute. I'm glad somebody is updating their blog. Well done.