Apr 20, 2012


I took these photos yesterday afternoon when the sun was just dipping (um, blazing) down over the back of our house, making the light hazy & happy. Q is still getting used to grass & isn't in love with the feeling of it on his toes, but yesterday - he ran & ran & ran outside, barefoot. It was fun. 

As we were heading into the garage to head out on some errands earlier that day, Q pointed & said car! New word! Exciting.  

And then tonight, when I was putting him down for bed, he wrapped his arms around my neck & squeezed. He wouldn't let go. So we curled up in his chair, sang a dozen songs (I need some new songs.) & I decided to be okay with his general refusal to go to bed - because he loved listening to me sing, rested his head on my shoulder, & was obviously perfectly content & happy in that moment. Me, too. 

Maybe he knows that our days of just us are limited. I'm almost halfway done with this pregnancy (#goodriddance) & all of a sudden I'm getting stingy-nosed when I think about having a second baby, someone else who requires attention & love.  We played a hide & go seek / peek-a-boo combo game today for a solid half hour after Quinn's nap, & then curled up in his chair & read stories for another hour (it was a dark & stormy day). How do I divide the kind of attention that this sweet boy gets from me?

I'll figure it out - & soon enough, I know that I won't be able to imagine it any other way than with two. But in the meantime, I'm singing those extra songs & reading those extra stories.


Lindsey said...

It really is just the way you describe. You know you won't be able to imagine it any other way once you have the other baby.... but I definitely had a few emotional moments thinking of my special one-on-one days ending with izzy. but then the second comes and that thought flies out the window. :)

love these pics - such pretty sunlight. i want some!

Heidi said...

I remember those feelings so well- it is a bittersweet stage in life.

Missy said...

You are smart. Soak it up. Two is amazing, but nothing is like being a mama of just one and doing everything for that little person.

erin said...

when i put fox in his toddler bed for the first time (at 17 months old!), i cried and felt so guilty for somehow curtailing his infancy by bringing his sister into the world.

that's funny about how this post was about whiting 2.0 on his way, because i was thinking how much of a big brother quinn was looking like in those pictures.