Apr 10, 2012

Things that have happened while I've been too busy for blogging.

Today is Mike's birthday! He's 31, & I love who he is. He is a good, patient, kind husband & a really, really good dad to Quinn. And he's funny, & super sharp! And handsome! And - he kills cockroaches WITH A PAPER TOWEL! Which is either really hardcore, or super gross. Either way, he did it twice last week (let's pretend I didn't say twice), & even though I yelled at him for doing it (those monsters with exoskeletons are strong), I was super impressed at his bravery. I love him.

We bought a piano! It's 100 years old & beautifully restored, & makes me really, really happy. Getting through my senior recital pieces is just like riding a bike! Except that the bike has 17 pedals, & I don't have enough legs or arms to get to all of them quickly enough, & I keep falling down flat on my face. Also, it feels like my hands are made out of melting jell-o.

I went to Dallas last week, & drove through tornadoes to get there. If only I were kidding. I cried a few times, said a lot of prayers & a few bad words in my head (concurrently?), & survived to tell the story. 

I said see you later, but not-too-later to dearest friend Erin & family, who are moving. Again. I cried. Again. 

I went three days without throwing up! And then got thoroughly sick again just in time for our arrival at Mike's fancy birthday dinner in Houston Saturday night. And then again on the way home at  a gas station just off of the freeway. I have no shame in throwing up in public anymore (not that I ever did - New York took care of that quickly, with Q's pregnancy).

Mike: Do you want to go inside? 
Me: No. Right here is fine. 

This pregnancy has been no joke. 


We hosted an Easter potluck on Sunday & it was really great. I just told 30-ish people to show up, & all of a sudden we had lots of good Easter food that I didn't have to make (I did the ham & drinks, the easy part!), a picnic in our backyard, & a dozen+ little kids running around for an egg hunt. It was a really, really fun time, nothing in my house was damaged, destroyed or stolen, & it was cool enough that we could spread out in the backyard without melting. Hooray for friends (slowly-but-surely in the making) in Houston.

We had another ultrasound yesterday morning & discovered that our baby has super powers & turned into a boy. A boy!! My ultrasound tech said that she was wrong about Baby Sister, her first mistake in 20 years (!!). Lucky me! 

(I'm happy / sad / confused / excited. Naturally.)

I cried for a minute, headed straight for the mall & bought a few unnecessary pretty things (for myself, of course) & feel much better now. Yay for brothers! And more stripes! 

We're off to New York this afternoon for the rest of the week. Happy, happy, happy!

Here are some random, unrelated photos that have little if nothing to do with any of the above except to show that we're alive & breathing, internet!

(Someday I'll catch up. Someday.)


Lacy said...

Hurray for brothers! I am glad every day for my two-years-apart boys. They are best buddies and still (at age 9 and 11) play together every day. Of course sisters are lovely too - and I got my girls later - but having friend brothers makes a mom's life so much happier and easier!


Judy said...

Congratulations on another little man! My daughter just had her 2nd little man at the end of February. We didn't know if it would be a brother or sister to Benjamin until he popped out! A good friend of mine who just had her 3rd son said there's nothing like brothers. You never need a playdate because you have your best friend with you all the time!

Becky said...

Oh my goodness Kathryn I'm sure that news was crazy and at 1st a bit difficult to hear as you had already spent a lot of time contemplating about a little lady. BUT that being said another little guy will be amazing! Caden is already obsessed with his little brother and already trying to play ball with him (not sure how safe that is). Like everyone else has said I know they will be best friends. Congratulations to you, Mike, and Quinn. Those boys are gonna take good care of their wonderful mamma!

Heidi said...

another boy! what a happy/crazy/emotional surprise that must have been.

sorry about the pregnancy sickness. reading posts like this makes me think i might be fine with two.

erin said...

did i tell you i cried so hard that indie asked if i was okay? seriously. i haven't cried like that in... a while. please come to salt lake next week.

Jill said...

Happy Birthday to Mike!

I'm so excited for you to have a piano, yes, yes. Quinn can be a little piano pounding man. :)

And as for his brother on the way.. so, so good. I am sure you're getting used to that idea more and more. I have a friend who went her whole pregnancy thinking she was having a boy when she had a girl coming. She was so happy about her girl but she still had to mourn for the little boy from her thoughts that wasn't there. I'm very, very excited for you and that Quinn will have a brother so close. Good things.

Give NY a kiss for me! Ah! I miss that city.

Meg said...

A boy! Oh my goodness. Prepare for more stripes! What a crazy thing to wrap your head around!!

So sorry for your close friend moving - I know how wonderful it's been having her close by.

Enjoy your NYC trip!

Jennifer said...

Girls are drama--hold off as long as you can. :)

And since you don't have to buy more boy clothes, think of all the dough you'll save that you can spend on your house! Or yourself!

Tell Erin that husbands are a dime a dozen. She should come back.

Lindsey said...

I think the confused emotions are the right response. Same thing happened to my friend - she found out after her baby shower and two weeks from giving birth that her girl was in fact a boy! hooray that we're both having boys! let's tip each other off on all the cute stripey things....

i can't believe you hosted 30 people at your place! and that you found two cockroaches at your place - eek! (but yay for mike who kills them. not sure what i'd do.... run the other way?)

Elizabeth said...

ITs crazy how much Quinn is changing. I think he looks so much like mike now. You should teach him how to kill cockroaches! kidding mike can keep that job : ) Love you and Brothers are great together..

Mindi said...

Congratulations Kathryn. Just checking in and realized that I had to back up a little... I missed the announcement! Anyway, congrats. I agree with every other comment... seeing brothers play together is so much fun! And everyday I'm so thankful that they aren't closer than 2 years apart. For me, 2.5 years has been nothing but PERFECT!

Sounds like things are going wonderfully for you in TX. Nice to see. Sending all the best!