Apr 17, 2012

We went to our other home for spring.

Running around with our favorite friends, fresh bagels every morning, a good walk through Central Park, so many blossoms (!!), Shake Shack, shopping, a birthday dinner with friends for Mike, a really great Broadway show with Suzi, macaroons at LadurĂ©e, Park Avenue tulips & Rockefeller Center Easter Lilies.  

Besides having a sick little boy (who was a really, really great sport until the very last day when we were both so sick), it was such a lovely few days in the city. Fast, but just enough.

I cried (sobbed) as I rode to the airport in my cab, for so many reasons. I love New York. I feel right back home when we're there. I miss it so much. Especially the bagels! And Suzi. And having so many things so close. The sounds of the city as we're falling asleep. Lots of things.


I'm so happy that we got to take Quinn for a few days, I'm happy we're back in Texas now, & I know that we'll be back to our other home soon. And often.

(I didn't take very many photos, & I don't feel like I have a lot I want to say about our trip. I think that I'm just storing it all in a special place in my brain.)


Missy said...

No words necessary. The pictures say it all. It feels right to see a toddler Q in NYC. So happy you got to go back.

(Boston had those blossoms too...SO pretty)

Lindsey said...

Ditto Missy - feels so right to see you guys back there! So glad it was a great trip. Your other home - that sounds right too.