May 11, 2012

At the park.

We played with toys (poor boy doesn't really have many, so we made a trip yesterday to the only not-horrible toy store reasonably close to us where - go figure! - they actually sell things made out of wood & cloth & other reasonable materials vs. fluorescent plastic covered in dinosaurs & cartoon characters; sorry for the mini rant), went to the grocery store where Quinn knew immediately when we'd zoomed by the tortilla stand without stopping (fresh, daily!) & demanded we go back for the sample (he catches on!), read a lot of stories, played in the backyard, had toasted turkey & cheese sandwiches for lunch (Q ate! Mostly the cheese part, but still - a success!), took a short nap (Q), played at the park, & met Mike for an early dinner at Crust.

Q immediately joined in with a group of 6 year old boys while we were at the park this afternoon, becoming thoroughly infatuated with them from the very second they paid any attention to him & gave him high-five. He seriously worshipped them immediately & laughed hysterically at every single thing they did. Literally, 5 minutes later, he was screaming bloody murder when they said goodbye & had to go. He was completely devastated to lose what had quickly become his very best friends in the entire universe. Makes me worry that he'll smoke his first cigarette by the time he's 8, just because a cool 7th grader offers him one. Never grow up, Q. Or at least develop a strong + independent head on those little shoulders of yours.


Missy said...

So this is where the photo came so cute!

He'll be just fine. But, oh so scary. How do you instill a strong self confidence in our littles?

Elizabeth said...

Ohh I cant wait for him to play with Hudson and Noah!!!