May 21, 2012


I walked into the living room & Q was doing something that I'd never seen him do before - just stacking blocks on top of each other (& then knocking them down immediately, of course). He's 20 months old, & while maybe he "should have" been doing this months ago, I don't really believe in should have's. Besides, this was the first time that I saw him actively doing it, & it was sweet & simple. I was proud. He loves his blocks, & is always turning them over & over in his hands & asking What's that?! with every letter, number & picture.

One of his favorite new pastimes: Spinning.

He looks 14.


Jill said...

Ah, love the video. The spinning is adorable.

Where did you find that great jar? I would love to do the same for our blocks/toys. Such a great idea for playing.

Also, the green pillow on your sofa, such a great fabric. I used it for a client in her boy's room and it turned out beautifully. Such a nice weight/feel.

xo my dear.

Mandy said...

I never get bored watching kids this age play on their own. They are so interested and curious. The video is precious. I love the noise he makes with every push of the blocks.

Missy said...

Teach me how to make a video like this. Amazing!

Judy said...

I also love this video...and Quinn...he is so adorable! You do such a great job of capturing the little precious parts of being a little man! I'd also like to know where that jar came from...

Unknown said...

your (instagram) video frustration was totally worth it. this is so great.. especially the spinning. he's sweet.

Whitney said...

I love your videos Kathryn. Such a sweet moment to remember! Love when they do new things, no matter what age.

k. said...

Jill / Judy - the jar is from Pottery Barn, but I picked it up when we first got married (7 years ago!), so I have no idea if they have it any more. :/

erin said...

well, we've watched this six times as we've eaten our dinner tonight. and i'm getting lots of questions:

-when's quinn coming to visit?
-can quinn talk now?
-did quinn get a kitchen?
-did quinn get his kitchen for christmas?
-why is he spinning so fast?

this is so sweet, k; and his little jabbering makes him sound so much older. we're way overdue for a quinn fix... more, more!

Jill said...

so sweet. this was a fun little video.

and that last picture? he does look like a teenager. seriously. picture him in this exact position with a little 8th grade girl next to him. this is happening.