May 16, 2013

Play group.

I'm never fancy about it (SUZANNE MACKAY), but every so often I get the itch to get a bunch of people together. Maybe it's a stage of life thing, maybe it's a 'burbs thing, but it often feels like people are pretty busy with their own families here - far more so than when we were in the city. It makes me a little bit sad, or at least a little bit lonely sometimes. I'm a person who needs people. So, every so often I end up doing stupid things like sending out an email to my entire mom  (google) group and saying, Hey! Come to my house! 

Note to self: not always the best idea, Kathryn. 

The morning was mostly happy though! We had a good time, the little ones played well, and we didn't have to make lunch (mediocre pizza). Besides, you can never go wrong with bubbles and a sprinkler. Thanks, Grandma Jan. 

Quinn was so excited that I couldn't get beyond putting on his swim diaper. He wouldn't leave the water until his lips were blue and his teeth were chattering, finally begging me to get him cozy in a towel.  

(Not pictured: Some of the absolute chaos of a dozen+ littles in my backyard because I was too. stressed. to take any photos. And I deleted an entire paragraph about some of the stressful things that contributed to the chaos. People...)


danielle said...

It was fun! Crazy....and fun :)

Suzanne said...

Way to yell at me on your blog. Btw it's ok to be's not an insult!! Love you and sad we can't come to your playgroups!

Suzanne said...

Way to yell at me on your blog! And fancy is not an insult! Love you!

Ming said...

Between this post and the text messages going around yesterday...what did I miss? I need to hear about this playdate. I meant to ask you today...but forgot. My brain has problems. :)

jocelyn said...

dang now i'm really left wondering what crazy things people were doing? breastfeeding five-year-olds? letting kids poop on your lawn?