Jul 12, 2013

Baby Junie.

Quinn has a daily request: Mommy, go to Erin's house. Mommy, Erin-Matt-Fox-Indie-nana-Baby Junie! MOMMMM!!! Erin's house!! (And repeat.)

Every. Single. Day.

The Burtons blessed sweet baby Juniper at church the other week and as we sat there on the pew, our family next to theirs, I couldn't help but blink really fast. We're blessed to have good friends in Texas, and really extra blessed to have the Burtons as neighbors again

Erin watched my boys one day this week so that I could photograph the funeral of a friend's mother. It was short notice for her, my toddler is spirited and my baby doesn't take a bottle. It was a risky proposition for her, and a lot of me to ask when she already has three of her own. 

My sweet friend reminded me that it's the kind of thing you'd ask a sister to do. Exactly.

(Mama Julie made those sweet slippers for Junie - aren't they perfectly beautiful?)

1 comment:

erin said...

Well I picked the right day to return to the blog world. My nose might sting a tiny little bit right now. Xoxox.