Jul 30, 2013

Hard to be two.

Oh, the intensity of this boy's emotion! We had a day several weeks ago that was not amongst my favorites, but at some point, you just can't do anything except pull out the camera for evidence. 

He is the sweetest, he is smart, he is precocious and he loves freely, but Quinn takes the majority of my effort and energy. Our sweet house cleaner - who knows and loves my children - said the other week that she doesn't know how I do it. 

Caffeine, I said. 

I'm also slowly-but-surely making my way through Raising Your Spirited Child (I could have finished it months ago were he not so spirited). He could seriously be the poster child. 

(And now - he's just turned on the sprinkler [the water faucet] in Grandma's backyard and is soaking wet and covered in mud at 10:30am.)

1 comment:

Kylie Whiting said...

love this little photo series. his face in the second one! send that along with his wedding announcement in 25 years :)