Mar 3, 2012

Temporary regression.

Noelle & Audrey came up from The Heights (& Boston, technically, if we're speaking specifically of Audrey) this last week. All of the littles (four in total) played at the park, played in our house, & then made a total disaster of our local Chick-fil-A. I really love just being able to walk away from those tables - after doing what I can do, of course. And the endless refills without getting up from your seat! I mean, the people who work there are just gems. Even if the man at the counter looked at my sweatpants & tshirt (it was a lazy morning) & said, So.... just hanging out today, huh? The shame of being on the tail end of mockery from a fast food employee was almost too much to bear.

Anyway. Q screamed & cried at Rothko's stroller while we were at the park until I lifted him up & plopped him in. Of course! He just wanted to be a newborn again & was happy as a clam with his (Rothko's) orange little ball, all the way home (across the street). But seriously! With a little bit of distortion to blame of course, he's so big. So soon! He must be acutely aware of this growing up process, because his new favorite thing is watching his Happy Birthday video. And when I say it's his new favorite thing I mean that he is THOROUGHLY OBSESSED. We watch it at least three times when he first wakes up, several times in the afternoon, & any time he's having a meltdown & can't pull himself together. When I say, Quinn! Want to watch your movie?! he plops down beside me & the flowing alligator tears stall on his huge + immediately smiling cheeks as I press play. It's a small miracle every time - as is watching his first year zoom by in three & a half minutes.


Meg said...

That is thoroughly adorable - all of it (the video, the stroller ride.)

Oh and isn't CFA the best? Welcome to the South! I just love how polite they are and how they always say "my pleasure." Except I swear whenever I have a craving for CFA, it's on a Sunday.

Elizabeth said...

I love when noah wants to watch his baby noah videos! Make a long first year video I would totally watch it!

Jan said...

Isn't that funny? Such a grown up and mature little spirit inside his still little boy body. This boy knows exactly what he wants, that's for sure!

erin said...

you know what this means? he wants you to make more movies of him. get crackin.

Lindsey said...

I don't blame him wanting to watch the birthday video. It's the sweetest video. Have fun on your trip!

audrey said...

loved this. q is SUCH A DOLL. i adore him!!! so huggable and smiley and gorgeous. love love love. i wish we could swing by whenever we wanted to.

and p.s. when you're that gooooodloookin', you can get away with anything, miss sweatpants ; )

p.p.s. still craving more chic-fil-a {i wolfed it down too fast with the littles around}, jamba juice, and krispy creme : (((((( dunkindonutsdoesn'tdoitforme.

Missy said...

That's really just endearing to me. My girls love to watch videos of themselves too. It's so cute to just watch their faces while watching it.

Jill said...

look how pleased he is with himself! i love it.

i want to have friends and go to chick-fil-a. sounds cool.