Oct 19, 2011

It's okay if this makes you cry (buckets).

The sweetest video from the sweetest friend.


Suzanne said...

BUCKETS!! Erin is amazing. What a treasure this is. Love all of the love in this video. Love you!

Heidi said...

What an absolute treasure that is. I imagine you watching it on his 18th birthday and crying more than you ever thought possible.

ellen said...

very cool.

Jill said...

I just watched that 3 times in a row and smiled the whole time, it's perfect. Kids really are the best, their faces say so much with each expression. Love it.

Mandy said...

Whoa...my heart just went pitter patter. So cute.

Judy said...

Definitely 'the sweetest video'! What a treasure! I'd love to know how it was done!!!

[eeny] said...

Oh this is so adorable. Quinn is such a happy little boy. A pleasure to watch. Thanks for sharing.

I wish I had such a sweet video of my first birthday party. I'd go watch it right now.

Lizzie said...

I might have watched that twice. It's the sweetest video I've ever seen. What is the song? Loved it.

Alissa said...

Yup, that will do it on the buckets of tears. What a sweet video to have forever. Loved the part at the end going through the different stages of Quinn. Such a sweet baby boy!

Louise said...

Oh.my.gosh. I'm so glad you pre-approved crying! Loved it - what a special friend you have, and what a special family you are!

mb said...

This warmed my heart, absolutely precious.

Tara Edwards said...

That is the best birthday gift ever. Quinn is a lucky boy and so cute!

Meg said...


This is beyond sweet.

audrey said...

ahhh!!!! first of all, i already loved quinn, but love him even more now. somehow.
and second of all, i already loved erin, but love HER more too!!! someHOW!!!
love love love love LOVE.
sigh... erin, your videos make me so so so happy.
and kathryn, your little boy is delicious. a true miracle. good job documenting / raising him the first year ; ) many more years to come...

Lindsey said...

this video is priceless!

Scott and Elly said...

Wow! That's amazing! What a fun thing to have:)

Lula. said...

You weren't kidding! What a treasure. Q's eyes kill me, by the way.