Apr 27, 2012

And we're off.

Doesn't he look miserable? Like he just knows that we're leaving & missing us already?

Our first getaway sans our sweet little boy. He's staying home & having a week's worth of bonding time with Grandma. Even though I cried a little bit when we read him stories & said family prayer with him tonight (I'm that mom, & I'm okay with it), I know that he'll be just great, & will likely have the very best week of his life. He'll probably even learn to eat his vegetables, because my Mama Jan is generally just magic like that.

But I'm going to miss him (so, so much). 

Also, I have the very, very best mother. I love her so much, I love that my son loves her, & I love that she's giving us this very sweet gift of time with each other. We need it, & I'm so happy to get it. Mike was asking me tonight how we could ever repay her. I'm not quite sure, but while I try to figure it out, I'm just going to keep trying to be a better mama myself so that I can be like her someday - minus a few babies (!).

See you later, blog!


Lindsey said...

I'm excited for you guys! Have so much fun! IIt's hard at first to leave the littles behind, but wow, SO fun for you guys. Even the plane will feel like a mini vacation. :) Q will have so much fun with your mom (and vice versa, I'm sure).

Can't wait to see the pics!

Megan said...

Mom's are the very best. Have a fantastic time! It's good to miss our littles every once in a while :) See you next week!

Elizabeth said...

so what are you going to do about the 365 days of Quinn???!!!

Hapy a GREAT Time love ya!