Apr 24, 2012


You know what makes me happy? Baby bellies. And weather warm enough in April to spend a morning at the splash pad (this was three weeks ago?).

(You know what doesn't make Quinn happy? Leaving the splash pad. An epic tantrum may have taken place, but he was blue & shivering & overdue for his nap - but having SO. MUCH. FUN.)
(Tired boy.)


Lindsey said...

baby bellies are indeed a happy thing. so cute - what a gorgeous day!

Mandy said...

Baby bellies and spray parks are some of the best things in the world. Also, Q is really cute.

erin said...

q's got the perfect belly which needs regular documenting. so glad his baby gift finally fits. sheesh.

Corinne said...

Wait til he loses that belly--it will break your heart.

noelle said...

he's about to sprout an inch or two! he's looking more solid (belly aside). that's how i always know when my babies are about to grow. such a cute, cute boy. i liked the way he looked across the picnic blanket at me in that dreamy way of his. heartbreaker.