May 11, 2012

Friday (& a pink smoothie).

We've been making green smoothies for a while now. I don't really ever follow a recipe - mostly just tossing in whatever combination of fresh & frozen fruit & veggies we have. This morning's admittedly-more-pink-than-green smoothie was one of my favorite accidental "recipes" - three white peaches, a chunk of fresh strawberries, some frozen banana (I slice up extra-ripe bananas & toss them in the freezer), flax, spinach (I prefer kale - we're out), water & some ice cubes. At the last minute, I sliced a big lemon in half & just tossed the entire thing into the Vitamix (high five, Vitamix!). That lemon - it made all the difference. Such a bright & happy flavor. Hooray for green (pink) smoothies! A nice way to kick off our Friday morning, especially since I had actually started the day by almost cutting off my thumb with our brand new + very sharp bread knife (I'm turning 30 this fall & just bought my very first bread knife). Cinnamon bread from Great Harvest is a big winner this week around these parts.

Also - I ordered patio furniture last night. Patio furniture! I'm starting (barely) to feel like such a grown up some days. Or at least a pretend grown up (grownups probably don't have to call their friends 27 times in a 12 minute time span to validate that a good decision is being made). 

Friday! I'm happy it's here, & that Q & I have gone on long morning walks every day this week & that I bought half of The Container Store on Wednesday & have spent lots of my spare time organizing & spring cleaning. Spring! Or as it feels like in Houston, summer (which means that summer actually feels like h-e-double-hockey-stick).


Heidi said...

We just went to Great Harvest this morning for some cinnamon bread. Yum

Elizabeth said...

YUM! I want a viatamix I hear great things about them. You are going to love sitting on the patio!

Missy said...

Three things:

1) Vitamix! Which one did you end up with? I just saw today that it was listed as Real Simple's best blender so we've got that going for us.

2) Which patio furniture?

3) next time add a tomato, strangely it gives it the best flavor and makes it almost hot pink!

k. said...


The same one that you have - from Williams Sonoma. We love it - the other day, I used it THREE times. In one day! Amazing.

We got a "conversation set" - a small loveseat, two chairs, & a table. Now I need to find a great outdoor rug. Can't wait to sit & eat dinner outside! I'll take photos once it comes.

A tomato?! Really?! I'll give it a try. :)