Jun 10, 2013

That time when the Burtons moved next door.

We had Burton / Whiting camp while Matt and Erin waited for their house to close (less than 5 minutes away, if obeying the speed limit). Co-parenting and living together for a solid 9 days is a pretty serious test of friendship, and I'd give us all a solid A. Two babies, three kids and one Gunther made for a busy house, but it was happy and fun and sincerely stress-free. Mike and Matt were both traveling most of the week, and having Erin around - even though she has her own three - took so much weight off of my shoulders. We had lots of extra friends over on various days (because at the point we were at already, why not?!), and Quinn was pretty much devastated when they had their last sleepover last week. He asks to play with his cousin-friends every day, and I'm feeling really lucky to have this group (+ Baby Juniper) back in Texas. Who would have thought? 

Lots of iPhone photos, because I barely had time to pull out my DSLR in between sippy cup refills (and really, I haven't taken photos off of it in a few weeks now, either - I'm getting nervous).

Memory lane?

Fox in Central Park
Baby Indie
Central Park with Baby Indiana
A visit to Dallas


Missy said...

Ah, blogging is the best. I love checking in on your blog. Did his job transfer him there? I'm so curious because I want all my best friends to live close to me too! Looks like Texas is treating you right :) Some of our good friends (two girls Avery and Coco's age) are moving to Dallas in August. Darn Texas... :)

Lindsey said...

that's pretty much amazing to have your best friend move in the same neighborhood! dream!